What is La Casa del Carnaval

Located in Barranco de Santos next to the bridge Puente Galcerán, with a surface area of 1,052.74 square meters, Casa del Carnaval represents a milestone in the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and it provides a new way of understanding this festival. It has been declared as an “International Tourist Attraction” and this is how we would like it to be regarded by its visitors.

The area has a permanent exhibition hall with costumes and interesting items related to the Carnival, a multi-purpose room for temporary exhibits and presentations of all kinds. This multi-purpose hall is called ‘Sala Suspi’, in honour of a well-known murguero, the murga is a group made by 20-100 people that sing songs about nowadays topics, for example politics, but always in a funny way. A shop where you can find merchandising from the museum and take a present, also we have and spot to rest. Also here we have a centre for documentation and conservation on our Carnival’s heritage aimed at experts, journalists, students and researchers, which will allow the cataloguing of funds.

Definitely the visit through the Casa del Carnaval will be a unique experience, thanks to the different digital applications that allow the visitor to feel and experience the festival from the inside, including the opportunity to try on costumes.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife now has a Carnival all year round! Come and enjoy it!


La Casa del Carnaval in Santa Cruz is aimed at four target groups of people: tourists, the Carnival community, specialists and researchers and the general public.

Inside, you will find a permanent exhibition, designed as an attractive, sensorial, comfortable and entertaining space with sufficiently flexible amenities to be able to host collections and contents of different kinds, documentary collections and multimedia resources.

Hence, the exhibition space will update each year, to include the costume of the reigning Carnival Queen and the costumes used by the different artistic groups (adult and children’s Murgas, musical groups, Comparsas, etc.) this year.

The costume of the reigning Carnival Queen is the main piece that is in the same spot that have her name, sorrounded by their runner up, that acts as an introduction to the permanent exhibition, where there are eight separate modules with multi-language screens that explain different aspects of the Carnival celebrations.

At the beginning, visitors will find different Carnival posters, and a video wall with videos related to this festival in the last spot. This videowall introduce a didactic and interactive space where visitors and schoolchildren can learn first-hand about the Carnival of Santa Cruz.

Numerous contents have also been added, such as the new audio guide system, which allows access to the site tour through mobile devices with multimedia content in English and Spanish. During the visit, digital resources will be displayed to guarantee a thorough Carnival immersion.

The extensive exhibition that Casa del Carnaval offers is devoted to those people who made our Carnival possible: the queens, designers, pioneers of different groups and, of course, Carnival characters of Santa Cruz.

One of our most important content, specially for the high artistic value, is the permanent Carnival post exhibition that goes through different year since the 60s until nowadays posters. In the same way, you can admire our Carnival Queens (Adult Queen, Children Queen and Senior Queen), in the museum different romos, as well as our awards Carnival groups.

The Casa del Carnaval also has a multi-purpose room, called Sala Suspi, in honour of a well-known murguero, where temporary exhibitions, conferences, book presentations, talks and seminars will be held.

Buy your free tickets.


* The published dates can be changed at any time.

March, 2025

Our visitors

Contact information

Aguere Street, 17, 38005 S/C de Tenerife

(+34) 922 04 60 20


Mon. - Sun. 09:00 - 19:00

Photo Gallery


Anyone interested in receiving further information can send us an e-mail using our form.We also have different halls to hold events (cafeteria, temporary hall, video wall, workshop, outside area).


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